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April 26, 2017

Rebecca "Becky" L. Wheelock, Died April 26, 2017

Rebecca L. Wheelock
Died April 26, 2017

CEDAR - Rebecca Lynn Wheelock passed away at the age of 48 on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at her home in Cedar, after a 9-year long battle with stage 4 breast cancer.

It is with great sadness and immeasurable grief that I, Paul Wheelock, announce the passing of my precious Becky.  I was able to hold her in my arms as she accepted her graduation honors and was welcomed into glory by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, none other than Jesus Christ Himself.

Becky was born in Traverse City and lived and grew up in the Suttons Bay area, attending and graduating from Suttons Bay High School in 1986.  It was on the way to her high school graduation that I, Paul Wheelock, after having dated her for two years, swung the car into our favorite place and asked her to marry me.  That was the single greatest day of my life.  Having been an honor roll student, a favorite of each and every one of her teachers and always involved in class governing, there wasn’t a single person that didn’t like Becky.

She was an avid member of 4-H in Leelanau County for years where she was involved with raising and learning about many types of animals.  Her favorite by far being the dozens and dozens of goats she got to raise up over the years.

We were married in 1987 and by 1996, Becky was neck deep in raising six amazing sons.  We, well mostly her, made the decision prior to our oldest being born that she wanted to be a stay at home mom and concentrate all of her efforts on raising 6 godly young men who would grow and mature into the very best of both of us.  What an amazing mother she was, home schooling all of them for several years and then being an intricate part of their everyday lives after they began attending public school in Suttons Bay and later, in Traverse City at TC West High School.

In 2006 she helped to launch our very own pest control business in Leelanau County and the surrounding area.  It was her amazing attitude and smile that you could literally sense through the phone that attracted the several thousand customers that have called on us over these past 12 years.  She was the heart and soul of everything we are and did and will be missed by so many in our customer base.

In 2009, after her first mammogram at the age of 40, Becky got the devastating news that she had stage 4 breast cancer, the cancer having migrated to her bones.  Needless to say, after a couple of years it became evident to her medical team and the rest of us that Becky was going to carve out her own statistical path and not settle for the 24-36 month program the national average thought she should have.

She endured so much pain, agony, setbacks and pressure these past 9 years but to anyone who knew her and to my great honor as her husband, she very seldom showed any of that.  Becky’s days were spent doing one thing and one thing only ~ enriching the lives of those around her and loving each of us with everything she had.
Her absence will be something impossible to outlive or get over and her love and companionship will never be replicated.  But knowing she is with her King and her Savior and that I and so many others will see her again very soon, in a very deep and profound way, makes the grief bearable and the heartache survivable.

Becky’s greatest fear and worry these past couple of years as things began to digress, was that she would miss out on the two things most precious to her post motherhood.  Growing old with me and being a grandmother.  Her greatest joy outside of our marriage was knowing that she would have more little ones to spoil and would be able to grow old doing what she does best, pouring her heart and soul into other precious people and watching them blossom and become the very best of who and what she was.  And that is the very thing that makes her passing so unfair and so incredibly painful.  Anyone that knew her knows exactly what these precious grandchildren will be deprived of but also knows what amazing fathers to those little ones her sons will be because of who she was.

Becky is survived by her husband Paul Wheelock, her six sons Timothy (Teia), Andrew (Jessica), David, Stephen, James (Megan) and Jonathon, her parents, several cousins, aunts, uncles and her two precious granddaughters, Araya and Alora, daughters of Tim and Teia.  She is also survived by her brother from another mother, Barry Dunklow.

Becky was the daughter of Harley (Bud) and Roberta Boone (Scamehorn).  She was preceded in death by her grandparents Jake and Bee Boone and Robert and Garnet Scamehorn.

Visitation will be held from 5 to 8 pm. on Friday, May 5 at the Martinson Funeral Home of Suttons Bay.  The memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 6 at Suttons Bay High School with the family greeting friends at 10 a.m.  A luncheon at the school will follow the service.  Your presence would be something Becky would cherish.

In honor of Becky and at her request, she would very much like everyone to take some time over the next few weeks and months, find a rocking chair, slide up next to a loved one and admire some beautiful flowers and then, when you head inside after a relaxing and enjoyable time rocking away, grab your favorite cookie recipe and bake till your hearts content and your loved ones bellies are full.  And when you spot a pretty flower, smell a tasty treat, see a couple married for 30 years or more like us or hear the sounds of happy children, think of Becky and smile.

All of us who knew her and had the amazing privilege of being a part of her life at one point or another are ourselves, better and more blessed because of it.  We’ll see you again sweetheart, but not yet, not yet!

Memorials may be directed to the family.

Condolences and memories may be shared with Becky’s family below:


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Paul I am so sorry for your families loss. This is the most beautiful tribute I have ever seen.

    Sue Brodhagen-Rutkofske

    1. Paul Wheelock2:16 PM

      Thank you Sue. She made it easy.

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I just read through the private messages between Miss Becky and me on Facebook and was struck by a few things…

    She…was…always…busy! Most of our messages began with trying to schedule her for a massage. Looking back, it’s a miracle that I ever got her into my office! She rarely slowed down for a little self-care, most of the time because she was doing something for someone else…and she never complained about that. I considered it a major coup if I could get my hands on her!

    No matter how zany her life was, she ALWAYS asked how things were going in MY world. If things were good, she was happy for me. If not, she always had an encouraging word. Her advice on mothering boys was insightful, to say the least. And yes, penises are funny!

    She had an amazing sense of humor…whether we were laughing about the fact that her husband would NEEEEVER get a massage, no matter how stressed out he was, to wondering what we could do about her “cankles”!

    She didn’t know how to do anything half-assed. When we were scheduling her last massage appointment, she asked if I’d like some tomatoes from “Paulie’s garden”. I said sure! She didn’t just show up with a bag of tomatoes…oh, no! I was presented with these luscious ripe beauties, still dewy since she had just picked them fresh for me, and they came ensconced in a sweet little gift basket.

    She sure knew how to make me feel special. I think that might be the gift of hers that I will miss the most.

    Love to you all,
    Amy (Richardson) Ellison

    1. Thank you sweet friend.

  3. Paul and family,
    It was with great sorrow that we spoke with Tim today and learned of Becky's passing. We have prayed for her over these last years of her struggle. We pray for you and your beautiful family that your pain is swiftly replaced by cherished memories of your lives together.
    Neighbors and friends, Steve and Janet DuBiel Cedar

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    We are so sorry for your loss, yet encouraged by your faith in trusting the promises. That beautiful tribute says ut all--she is no doubt hearing the words: "Well done, good and faithful servant." Sincerely, Paul, Kitty, Paul, Jr., Rose and Andy Soma

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Dear Family, Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your loved one. During this most difficult time of mourning and grieving your loss may you be comforted beyond measure as you read God's Word the Bible. The time will soon come when death will be no more. (Isaiah 25:8) By means of a resurrection to life many who have died will live again. (Acts 9:36-41) May you have the utmost confidence in all that God promises. (Titus 1:2)

  6. Paul my heart is sad today. She was a terrific lady, and a blessing to so many. May God give you peace and comfort in this time.

  7. Marcie Ferris8:56 AM

    Dear Paul and Family,
    I absolutely gasped when I saw the email from you about losing your precious Becky. Tears are still running down my face as I type. What a loss to all of those who knew and loved her. I never met her in person, but speaking with her on the phone over the years, and knowing the battle she was fighting... well she was just plain amazing.
    You have honored her and loved her, and stood by her. No regrets there. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute you wrote.
    Be gentle with yourself in the coming weeks. I know your family, friends, and faith will help you all get through this. BUT, its still really hard to lose someone so young and vibrant.
    My sincere sympathy to you all. Fondly, Marcie Ferris-(long time customer)

  8. Nancy Wick2:17 AM

    Dear Wheelocks,
    I have so many wishes: I wish Becky could have written a book "How to Raise Six Respectful, Responsible Boys;" I wish she was here to teach me to paint; I wish she had published her favorite recipes, especially her peach salsa; I wish she and Paul could celebrate their 75th anniversary; I wish her grandchildren could have the privilege of her influence in their lives; I wish she and Paul could pack up and take a trip in the motorhome; I wish life wasn't so unfair. God bless all of you. Nancy Wick

  9. So sorry for your loss. While I only knew Becky through the many conversations we had over the phone, I know that she will be missed. Condolences to the entire Wheelock family.

  10. Beedy and Bruce Neiner9:56 AM

    Dear Paul, we were so sorry to get this terrible news. I always enjoyed speaking with Becky. She was a sweetheart so kind concerned and caring. Please know we are thinking of you and your sons as you adjust to this difficult situation. May the day wonderful memories you shared together help sustain you all. Know Becky is with our Lord. He is holding her tight. Now as we look to the stars at night they will shine brighter for there is a new angel looking down on earth. Know we are thinking of you with tears, hugs, sympathy and love ❤️ Beedy and Bruce

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Dear Wheelock Family - I was so saddened to hear of the loss of your loved one Becky. During the hiring process of Stephen earlier this year, I had the pleasure of getting to know the wonderful young man Becky and Paul had raised. After reading the loving tribute, it is clear the impact she had on her family will be felt for generations to come. With deepest condolences Sandy Gulick - Aon

  12. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I will miss her happy voice on the telephone and I know that you all are missing her and in your hearts. God will take care of her until you see her again. So sorry Cheryl Keuning

  13. Wheelock Family,
    My sincerest condolences for your loss. I will miss Becky for as long as I live. She touched my heart in a way that no on else could. These past few years I haven't been able to see her that often, but when I did we would always pick up like we just saw each other the day before. I deeply regret not reaching out more often to spend more time with her. I guess in the back of my mind I felt like she would always be here, she was a fighter (superwoman). Strong,kind,thoughtful,smart,beautiful,awesome mom, and person. This world could use a lot more Beckys. She will, she is missed. When I told Dwaun when I heard and he said he wishes he could be here for you and that he is really sad, he is starting a new job or he would be. He also said "she was such a good woman, everybody loved her. I feel so bad" We all do!
    Lots of love to all of you!
    Nicole Anderson

  14. Anonymous10:27 PM

    What a wonderful example Becky left all of us with. My heart goes out to her lovely family at this tender time.

  15. Frauke Paech7:26 AM

    Dear Paul, dear Timothy, Andrew, David, Stephen, James, and Jonathon, dear Bud and Roberta,
    this incredible sad news has extended overseas to Hamburg, Germany. Becky was such a warm, energetic and loving human being, not surprisingly her passing sets off a shock wave around the globe. It must be a tremendous nightmare just now, how can every day life not just stand still, birds pause their chitter and the flowers turn gray? Instead the blaze of color prettifies the spring landscape as if to lead you a way through mourning. I do not dare trying to imagine how you all feel right now, though. I stand by you, feeling with you and I am deeply shaken and sad myself. As an exchange student, I had the honor to be part of the Boone family, the ‚Extra Boone‘, in 1984, and I had never stopped thinking about my wonderful host sister Becky. I am so thankful to have known her, to have been an interim part of the family, and I learned and benefited from Beckys‘ devoted open-heartedness and her unconditional loving attitude. We shared our teenage giggles and uncertainties. I will never forget her. My heart is with you all in these distressful times.
    Love Frauke
